“Do You Have A Minute?”

Thank goodness we live with the internet! These Internet videos are simple, informative and fun! We focused on feel good videos that will inspire, educate and hopefully increase your mood! If you have the time, see how you feel about gratitude, meditating and affirmations today!

  1. Call Your Loved Ones!, This experiment was to see how acts of gratitude help everyone feel more positive and fulfilled. Can you spread gratitude today?

  2. Good Morning!, This 11 minute video is full of affirmations to repeat and get your morning off to an epic start! With a call to action (21 day challenge) will you see the change affirmations can have on your life?

  3. PLEASE MEDITATE, This TedxTalk describes the physical, mental and emotional help that mediating will have on your life.

  4. Monkey Mind!, This video does a great job of quickly explaining the ‘monkey mind’ we all have, how to combat and master it!

  5. 14 Minute Meditation, This meditation guides you through stopping monkey business! It can be done quickly and easily through out the day. What meditations work for you?

  6. How Emotions Stay In The Body, This is a very simple explanation of how emotions can physically affect us. Looking into how emotions get stuck in our physical form and affect our health is very important for longevity and true mental health.


“Don’t Define Me”