Heartfelt Faces

Christian Curtis-Creator

Christian Curtis-Creator

Christian feels this quote epitomizes The Heartfelt Club’s purpose…

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.'” -Fred Rogers

Christian is the Colorado artist behind 3/4 King line! He is available for commissions. Support his artwork, and his awesome story here!

Nate Brown- Creator

Nate Brown- Creator

Nate offers this inspiring quote…

“My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” — Emery Lord

Nate Brown is a Colorado artist responsible for the Scrabble King line for purchase here! Along with the theme music for our podcast The Clubhouse.

Support Nate’s success via SoundCloud and MixCloud!

Jalaiya Bartley-Ambassador

Jalaiya Bartley-Ambassador

Model and athlete, Jalaiya says, “mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, as many people struggle with different mental health issues. Often times, people are embarrassed to speak to someone about it, but there are so many people who are more than happy to hear you out and help!"

“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.” -Lisa Olivera

Watch Jalaiya’s advocacy and success grow here!

Kevin Helt- Ambassador

Kevin Helt- Ambassador

Kevin is an amazing man who advocates for mental health, equality, and climate change awareness! He is not only impressively in-touch with his emotions, but he feels that he can alter the world through discussion and understanding. Here is a quote that got Kevin through some tough times.

“The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light.”-Melanie Koulouris

Let’s find the light together.

For more on Kevin, click here!



KD is a professional athlete and coach who advocates for mental health across the board. KD shares a quote that has carried her through hard times in hopes it will help someone else when they need it the most.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” -Maya Angelou

Learn more about KD and her advocacy here!

Josh Davis- Ambassador

Josh Davis- Ambassador

“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where youre going.”-Noami Spencer, PHD

Josh encourages people to start the process by treating yourself the way you want others to treat you. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. You deserve it!

To hear more about Josh’s road to emotional intelligence reach out to him here!